The Supernatural Necropolis of San Junipero: Technological Necromancy, Satire, and Frogs

Despite the tendency to associate narratives that focus on technology and their societal impact as within the genres of science fiction or dystopia, this common tactic ignores the supernatural nature of the technology presented within these narratives, and it is worth exploring the magical aspects of unobtainable technology in comparison with more traditional depictions of magic. This article examines the titular city of San Junipero in Season Three, Episode Four of Black Mirror (2011-) as one example of such unobtainable technology, and resituates it as a supernatural city akin to the versions of Hades presented by both Aristophanes in The Frogs and Homer’s Odyssey, chosen because of their status as predecessors to Christian theology, better illustrating the evaluation of San Junipero as supernatural rather than sacred. Further, the article compares the technological necropolis to Swift’s satirical Glubbdubdrib from Gulliver’s Travels, highlighting the importance of the ritual of necromancy to San Junipero’s status as supernatural city.

Read The Supernatural Necropolis of San Junipero: Technological Necromancy, Satire, and Frogs