Submission Guidelines

NB We are only accepting work for special issues.

All work should be submitted by email in Word format. Include a cover page with your name, affiliation and contact details as well as a brief biographical note.

Manuscripts themselves should be anonymous for peer-review.

In the case of critical/theoretical pieces, please include an abstract of up to 150 words and a list of up to 6 keywords.

Please do not submit a manuscript that is under consideration elsewhere or that has been published elsewhere.

All work must be original and by the named author.

Final Submission Checklist

  1. Is the article/issue proof-read to within an inch of its life? (Pun intended!)
  2. Is all the formatting uniform – line spacing, reference style, bibliographies etc
  3. Are all notes before the bibliographies or lists of references? (This is annoying and fiddly but needs to be done)
  4. Keep notes to an absolute minimum (no notes is best)
  5. Take out all page numbers or number the pieces consecutively
  6. All works to be completely original and not published elsewhere and to have been double blind peer reviewed
  7. Have any images in the issue got permissions?


Book reviews should be emailed in Word format accompanied by a 150 word biographical sketch.
Endnotes in reviews should be kept to a minimum, and page numbers for references to the book under review should be inserted within the review itself.

Review should begin with author /editor / director / creator information, title, publication details and price in pounds.

All reviewers should provide an email address for editorial purposes.


Authors must ensure that they have obtained any necessary permissions for quotations and illustrations for reproduction in the Journal prior to publication. Payment for any permissions is the responsibility of the author of the article.

We can have a very small number of images used under ‘fair use’ but this means that the image must be integral to the argument/discussion in the article.

House Style

Revenant uses an author/date referencing system. Use single quotation marks and bracketed references after quotations, citing author, date, and page, e.g. (Murray 2007: 65).

Use endnotes not footnotes. Set them to ‘end of section’.

Include a list of references.

Put notes before the list of references.

 Quotation marks

Please use single quotation marks throughout, with double quotes for an inner quote.


Quotations of more than 40 words should start on a new line, and set with an additional indention.

References and List of works cited

Please use references in the main text: short title/author system:

The short reference (author, date) of a book or article should be given in parentheses in the main text, including any page numbers for direct quotations.

Where subsequent references are unambiguous, a page number in parenthesis will suffice.

When citing a modern edition of an older text, please give the original date of publication in square brackets.

Example of reference to a book:

Flint, Kate, The Victorians and the Visual Imagination, Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000.

Short citation in text, either: (Flint 78-9) or (Flint 2000: 78-9).

Further immediate references may take the form, ‘as Flint argues (82)’. Other shortened versions are acceptable provided that the reader will understand them.

Example of reference to an article:

Fick, Thomas, ‘Ghosts and Real Bodies: Negotiating Power in Nineteenth-Century Women’s Ghost Stories’,  South Atlantic Review, Vol. 64, No 2, (Spring 1999), pp. 81-97.

Short citation in text: Either (Fick 88) or (Fick 1999: 88).

Examples of references to films or games:

Title, author/director (as appropriate), publisher, date.

Fight Club, David Fincher (Director), Twentieth Century Fox, 1999.

Peer Review Policy

Revenant operates a strictly anonymous peer review process. All submissions are subjected to double-blind peer review. Reviewers will decide whether each academic submission demonstrates well-conducted research, which presents clear arguments and valid conclusions. All work must be well written and be accessible to a wide audience including undergraduates and peers. Each paper must make an incremental or novel addition to its field of study. All creative work must be original. All papers will be reviewed in a timely manner. All book and other reviews will be sent out to at least single peer review. The final decision whether to publish a piece or not resides with the editor.